Wednesday 2 May 2007

End of Module Questionnaire



What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
I can't say it relates directly but...

If so, how? And if not, why not?
It gave me the chance to observe different opinions and to see how others may look at the same subject but in a different light.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I think the module hit the right level, it allowed a slightly more relaxed approach, but at the same time, kept us on track with essays to do.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
I think the list was very appropriate, as reading through other blogs, it is clear that they spark many reactions and it helps to pin point what todays society calls "bad" compared to earlier society.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Almost everything in life will be declared "bad" by someone or some group. You have to draw the line somewhere. I can't think of one I would add personally.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

What did you think of the module team?
I haven't had the chance to talk to the "team" (bar Mark) personally, but it's clear by watching that they get on well together and they all seem relaxed and friendly.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
I think it would be interesting on one level but at the same time, slightly off putting for those who may not want everyone to put a face to their opinion.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
As the class is layed out, we had the chance to give input in lectures and I think this was enough.
Information and talk from lecturers?
I think the leccturers done well, they have enough information on the topics and also gave us ideas which we could take away and look into ourselves.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes, as the range of topics were accessable to the majority (if not all) of the class.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes, as it allows people studying different modules to interact with each other.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Personally, I found myself sticking with people who I know on my English course.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
I think it would be a possibility, though I would suggest a different layout, blogging isn't always the best way for some people, and that mgiht put them off.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Not as it stands no, the idea of group blogging put me off.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes, my older sister recommended it to me and I found it enjoyable, so I would recommend it to others.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
They are to an extent. They allow a bit more freedom and creativity, but some people stuggle with the technology. Single web blogs are fine for me, but I don't like the idea of group blogs.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I usually have trouble making the work count upto 1,500, so I thought the 800 was great...that was until I came to write them and found that I had gone over by about 400 words and had to cut alot out. With these topics I think alot of people would find it easier to do a longer assessment.

What have you learned from the module?
Hmm, that's a hard one. Society today are so free with their thoughts on such topics that you hear them alot outside of University, so many of the topics I had a base knowledge on anyway.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I think the module itself was useful in that I am more aware of how people react to the things I believe in.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I wouldn't say there was anything which was a waste.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
There was only one lecture in this module which I was disguested by. The lecture on Infidelity was appaling. I left after a while, because I didn't want to sit and listen to someone laugh at those who have never been unfaithful and be told that we haven't lived. I was disguested that a lecturer would stand there and almost promote Infidelity, whether purposly to spark a reaction or not. I don't think it is a laughing matter.
Aside from that, I liked that the different lecturers shared the classes, as it was nice to "get to know" (as much as you can from watching them) some more lecturers.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Response to a Blog : Domestic Abuse

The Blogger:


The Comment:

"Males subject to abuse from their spouses are the least unlikely to make a report of this sort as many feel embarrised or ashamed to seek halp after being attacted. The stigma around this needs to be removed, taking a step forward for all those being abused"

My Response:

I agree that both men and women should be able to tell someone about abuse in the same way, without feeling like there's someone laughing at them or calling them weak. People make such a big deal that women get beaten by their partners, but very few think about the men who are taking abuse too.
Abuse in any form, to anyone is wrong and should all be treated equally. Society should be pulling together to make these people feel safe and let them know there is support.

Monday 30 April 2007



Is Gambling "bad"?
I think the answer to this question can be both yes and no. Gambling is just a bit of harmless fun, a way to relax with friends and see how "lucky" you are. However, when Gambling crosses that line if harmless fun and starts taking over your life, then yes, gambling is bad.
Not everyone who gambles becomes an addict, of course not. But those who do, are seriously effected and unfortunately, it doesn't always stop at them, but then effects their family and friends too.

Types of Gambling:
Bets on Races and various Results (which can range from who will win the world cup, to what the weather will be like on a set date)
Insurance (car, home, etc)

...and the list goes on.

A lot of the time, we gamble without knowing it, we take out Insurance, but people don't look at us with disgust at our gambling...oh no, they think, "smart". However, if you play card games for money, "smart" turns into, "Stupid" and "Dangerous". Yet, if you play the National Lottery, no one word comes to mind. It's like the Lottery is an everyday thing, no one cares if you play and likewise, no one cares if you don't.

The first time I gambled was when I was about 6 years old. I was walking though a shopping center with my parents and saw a stall which sold scratch cards and my parents gave me a Dollar (I was living in Canada at the time) to buy one. I won two Dollars and bought another scratch card and lost. So I ended up with only one Dollar again.
Now, at the age of 19, I don't gamble in the sense that I bet money on games, races and silly results. I do however, play the lottery from time to time (like twice a year) and I do pay a Pound or so when I'm at a carnival and I see a Tombola, usually one which is set up for a Charity.

It worries me when I see and hear about people's lives being ruined by Gambling, but I know there is nothing I can do to stop it, it is not my place.

In my opinion, Gambling is not Bad, unless you lose control.

Sunday 22 April 2007

Nasty Comedians

It is true, we all love to laugh, it makes us feel good. But where do you draw the line at what is and is not funny? It is hard to say, we all seem to laugh when the comedy is directed at someone else's downfall, but when it is directed at us, suddenly it isn't funny anymore.

I will just look at two "nasty comedians".

Lenny Bruce

Said to have “paved the way for the Richard Pryor's, George Carlin's and Bill Hicks' of the world.”. He was known as a “sick comic” who offended many people with his jokes about religion, race and gender. He was arrested many times, treated women badly and even turned his friends into the police so they he could get away. He died in 1966 of a morphine overdose.

I don’t really know what to say about Lenny Bruce…reading about him, I didn’t come across anything admirable about him. All he seemed to do was open the pathway for more comedians to target similar subjects which offend people. His morphine overdose educed death doesn’t strike any sympathy from me and I would have to agree on putting him under the category of “nasty comedians”.

Bill Hicks

On entering the website you get this message, “WARNING: This website contains everything your parents hate, everything the Church preaches against, everything the Government fears. Enjoy. – Bill Hicks”. Straight away we know that there may be material which offends, but reading the warning, there is still a rebellious humor, “Enjoy”.

Hicks’ comedy was based on “the truths” which many tried to block out. He touched on the things in life which he believed were “bad” that effected people, such as lies, smoking, and alcohol. These things he believed distracted us from making the world better.

Hicks was not well liked in America but was welcomed into Britain and other parts of Europe.
Hicks died in 1994 from cancer, aged 32.

I personally do not regard Bill Hicks as a “nasty comedian” but merely one who wasn’t afraid to speak out. Unlike Lenny Bruce, when I read about him I wasn’t disgusted. Perhaps this is because I haven’t come across an FBI file on all the things he did wrong, or perhaps it was because the main website was made by friends and family of him who praised him and his life.

“Hicks’s stand-up act is about taking a stand – and occasionally dodging a chair.” – Rolling Stone

Who knows? I can’t say I have ever actually seen footage of Bill Hicks or Lenny Bruce, so perhaps I would view them in a different light if I had?

Thursday 19 April 2007

Response to Another Blog.

The Blogger: Laura Guest

"They should all be killed, Why some people get nearly the same sentence for fraud and crimes like that is beyond me."

My Response:

I disagree with this. Don't get me wrong, Paedophiles are vile and disgust me beyond comprehension, but I don't agree with all people who are charged with such being killed.
My reason behind this is that, like all crimes, innocent people are found guilty. I won't go into any details, as it does not concern anyone but those involved, but I have known a few cases where men have been found guilty of Paedophilia in court, but were actually innocent (as the ones accusing them later admitted).
Once their name is on that register, you can't get it back off, and once the papers have splashed their names about and destroyed any life they may have had, you can't get that back either.
I would be devastated if the death sentence was given for such or any crime in fact, as I believe the way to justice is NOT through giving as good as they dished out.

Wednesday 4 April 2007


As I was strolling down Broad Street to Spikes Tattoo Studio, I passed a number of "Adult Shops" and as a middle aged man with his shades on came creeping out of the door of one (as if paranoid of being stalked) I giggled to myself and thought, "Is Porn Bad?".

So is it?

Well, let me see...I myself am not interested in the slightest, I think it's pretty tacky...but it's amazing how many people watch/read (if that's possible) porn.

Just like Masturbation, I don't think it's the type of conversation you'd have at the dinner table, but it is something that people talk about...quite openly actually. Having a lot of male friends, there tends to be a lot of references to porn films and the "stars" and of course not being "in the know" I innocently ask, "so what's/who's that?" and they giggle and fill me in.

The majority of people say that Porn is not bad at all...but if that's the case, how come all these shops have blacked out windows? Why are you ashamed if there's nothing wrong with it? (giggle)

Men seem to be more relaxed talking about Porn and find it acceptable in many age categories, however, oder women seem ..whats the word....squeamish? But as the age of the woman lowers slightly to around 18-25 women are almost (if not equally) as comfortable talking about it, as men are.

So in my opinion, Porn isn't "bad", the shop owners are just a little shy.

Monday 2 April 2007


Just a note before I start:

When looking through other blogs, I have noticed a few people responding to my posts and seem to be getting pretty heated up about certain points which in my posts I have stated, I know will cause some discussion, but I have also said I do not mean to offend anyone.

The last thing I want to do is offend people in anyway. Some people might also want to read a bit closer as it seems they have missed some of my main points when responding and unfortunately making me seem rude and closed minded, which I most definitely am not.

Moving on...


Now...I actually find it hard whether to say swearing is either bad or not. This is because I think it depends on the situation.

At the minute, I'm sitting in my room typing this, and I can hear the children at the back of my house. Now these kids are about...6-8 years old and all I hear is swearing. Not just mild swearing, I mean full on swearing, at the top of their lungs. Now this I think is bad.

I swear, most people do. But I don't swear "for the hell of it". In fact, I very rarely swear and tend to only slip up when I kick the door frame as I'm trying not to trip over my dog, or when someone really winds me up and starts swearing at me. Retaliation, I know...I shouldn't...sorry.

But I think, yes...the majority of the time, swearing is bad. No one likes to be sworn at, no one likes to hear it when walking through town and I should think a lot of parents wouldn't want their children to hear people swearing either, as children pick these things up easily (excluding the kids over the back...their parents don't even flinch).


"In America, 72 percent of men and 58 percent of women swear in public. The same is true for 74 percent of 18 to 34 year olds and 48 percent of people who are over age 55"


I personally do not get offended easily by swearing, though of course if someone starts swearing at me I would react in some way, depending on the situation.

Thursday 29 March 2007


What I Think:

I love piercings! At the moment I have my navel, nose and tongue pierced, as well we my right ear once which is stretched to 10mm and my left ear 4 times, my lobe, tagus and an industrial which is two holes. And ya probably won't stop there...

My ear piercings below. The Industrial hasn't yet had it's new bar put in, it's still fresh = p

Why Do People Have Piercings?

As with everything in life, there are numerous reasons for why we do things. For me, piercings are beautiful and in my opinion can show parts of your personality without having to speak. I had my ear lobes pierced when I was 5 and I loved it. My other piercings came much later. My navel when I was 13, my tongue when I was 14, the stretched lobe when I was 15, my tagus and nose when I was 16 and my Industrial is just 3 weeks old. Already, I'm itching to get another. The feeling I get with my piercings is the same as I get with my tattoo..."ooh what next?".
Speaking to friends about piercings, alot of the reasons behind them are either, "I thought it looked really cool" or "Not too sure, it's just one of those things you do..." also "I saw it on someone else and it looked so beautiful".
Is It "Bad"?

Well, employers think so. Unless it's a job where they can shut you away out of public view, or a job which deals with piercings, then they don't want you are your metal in their customers face. I personally don't know why... When I see people with piercings, I'm itching to ask when/where/why they got it done. But hey...I'm sure there's method in thier madness....

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Response to a Blog

The Blogger:

"I think it's time society moved with the times. We should start to talk about things more in the open, encourage young people that what they're doing isn't wrong and that they can do it if they want to. Thinking about how society responds to the subject of masturbation, makes me think of the 60's family and the mom and dad's in separate beds, and only doing it on a Wednesday. Why is it so bad? If it's something we're supposed to do, and do it from a young age from instinct, doesn't that mean then that we're suppposed to masturbate?"

My Response:

I chose to respond to this blog because it was one of the few that I read and thought "Finally, someone who doesn't squirm around the subject or push it too far". I agree with this post, if it is instinct, why is it bad?
I personally don't think it is "bad". I mean sure it might be uncomfortable when brought up in mid conversation, but hey, I guess it means whoever brought it up is comfortable around you, and surely that's no bad thing.

Sunday 25 March 2007

Tattoos Continued.


Scarification can be done in many ways, here are just as few:

1. With a Tattoo Machine: This is done by over tattooing and area with either no ink at all, or with an abrasive formula, the skin then heals to leave a fairly light scar.

2. Branding: Via the application of heated metal onto the skin, the burn will eventually scar, leaving a pattern of raised lines which should be slightly lighter than the skin colour once fully healed.

Above is an example of Scarification through Branding.

The image on the left is one day old and the image on the right is one year later.

I would of shown more, however as much as I love piercing and tattoos, scarification creeps me out, big time.

Ultra Violet Tattoos

In my opinion, UV Tattoos can be absolutely beautiful…in UV light. However, UV tattoos do not look so hot when in normal light.

Though, as pretty as they may look when glowing nicely under a Black light, their health safety is at question and research is being carried out on whether or not these tattoos lead to cancer. Though of course, not everyone will have a bad reaction, like everything in life, sometimes just don’t suit everyone.

Above is an example of an Ultra Violet tattoo.
On the left you can see the tattoo in normal daylight and on the right, the tattoo under a black light. I have got to say that this is one of the few tattoos I have come across where I actually prefer the look of the tattoo in the daylight compared to the black light.

And here is an example of an Ultra Violet tattoo which I think is absolutely beautiful.

Friday 23 March 2007

Tribal Tatoos

Borneo: One of the few remaining places where traditional tattooing still takes place. The hand tattoo was a symbol of status in life and also served an important function after death. It was supposed to illuminate the darkness as the soul wandered in search of the River of the Dead.

Tribes in Borneo:
Barawan: An upriver tribe, also a name for the a type of tattoo worn on the chest of shoulder of a man.

Iban: A tribe of Borneo who’s tattoos are of a dog design (right)
And of a scorpion design (left).

Kenyah: This tattoos is designed for a mans chest of shoulder (below).

Kayan: In this tribe Sihong is the name for a female tattoo designed for the thigh. Position of tattoos on women show their class.

Ida telo, is the tattoo placed on the back of the thigh on slaves. (left)

Ida pat, for middle class women, also on the back of their thigh. (right)

Ida tuang or Ida lima, goes on the back of the thigh of a high class woman. (below)
Udo Asu are dog tattoos for the Kayan tribe, a double dog design for the outside of a mans thigh. (above)


Samoa: In Samoa, tattoos are part of religious rituals, the Samoa Warrior would have tattoos which start at their waist and go down to just below their knee, the Samoa women also had tattoos, though their tattoos were limited to delicate flowers on their hands and lowers part of their body.


Westernised Tribal Tattoos

Tribal tattoos are very popular in western culture, though many of the designs are not the same as the originals and sometimes made up by the artist. When western culture takes on tribal tattoos, this can be very offensive to the native tribes, as those tattoos have very special meanings and a lot of westerners do not know the meanings, or wear the designs in the wrong places or wear designed which carry offensive meanings.

One type of Tribal tattooing which causes a lot of offence is that of the Ta-moko by the Maori tribe in New Zealand.

Ta-moko (or Moko when only on the face) is a very sacred form of tattooing, which carries special meanings. A Moko tells a story, while men cover their entire faces, women only tattoo their chin and forehead. Each line in a Moko tells parts of the wearer’s life. What tribe they belong to and what their heritage is.

When the western culture have Ta-moko done, it greatly offends the Maori tribe as the tattoos are telling someone else’s story, and taking parts of someone else’s heritage.


In my opinion, tribal tattoos can be very beautiful if worn in the right way by those who know the meanings. Not only are they beautiful to look at but the fact that they hold such valuable meanings bring out more beauty in them.

I think it is wrong that in western cultures, people wear tribal tattoos without knowing their meanings, as they offend people. However, some tribal tattoos, which have been made up in western cultures are sometimes very nice.

Thursday 22 March 2007


Pamela Anderson, “Tattoos are like stories - they're symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful.”


“From "Tattoo You" by Steve Wind (Off Duty Hawaii Magazine, October '92): "Tattoos were associated with the lower class and criminal elements in Britain and America until the early 1900s when, drawn by a sense of freedom, decadence and sexual liberation, upper classes began wearing them as well."
The word "tattoo" apparently comes from the Tahitian word "tatau," which was onomatopoetic for the sound their tattooing instrument made.”


Angelina Jolie (About her first tattoo of the Japanese Kanji for Death), “The tattoo is a strong reminder to live fully in the moment and never have regrets. I didn't get the tattoo for the dark reason everyone thinks.”

There are many reasons why people have tattoos, rebellion, a way of expression, liberation and sometimes even fashion/trend. Of course there are many more reasons, but these seem to be most common.

Jennifer Aniston, “Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious.”

Is It “Bad”?

I personally do not think Tattooing is “bad”. If people choose to tattoo themselves then so be it, I personally have a tattoo myself, as do many people in my family. I don’t see anything wrong with it. A good friend of the family is a professional tattooist, and admits, he tattoos various areas of his own body, so he can experience what it feel like, as he gets a lot of questions at work such as, “where does it hurt most?” and this he believes is the elbow and the stomach…so far.

Anna Nicole Smith (R.I.P), “I got my first tattoo, a Playboy Bunny, because I was young, dumb and drunk…”

Those who have tattoos because it’s “cool” or because their “friends did” are usually those who end up regretting their tattoo later on and although tattoos can be removed, they do tend to leave scars.

There are many people who become almost addicted to tattoos, they have one, and then another and then another and before they know it, they are covered. I have nothing against people who have full body tattoos, as a lot of the time they are quite beautiful, though sometimes people cross a line and their tattoos become a blur of ink and not so attractive.

This, I believe is beautiful...

Quotations found on,
Pictures taken from,

Monday 19 March 2007

Religion: Denominations, Traditions, Branches.

Whilst doing a bit of research I came across a site which gives information about all of the different religious groups in the world. Here is the link:

I was shocked to see just how many different groups there are, and even more shocked when I opened a few of the links to find that those groups bro
ke down further into yet more groups.

This one shocked me...

Satanism, The Black Mass.

When I started reading I thought, well Ok, they are only doing the same as Christians...but the other way round. But then as I read more and got
to the point where they say they give animals and children as sacrifices to "Satan" and drink their blood, I actually couldn't believe what I had read. It goes on to say that they dig up graves, burn churches and sexually abuse and even kill children and other adults!
This makes a door to door visit from the Jehovah's Witnesses extremely welcoming.

It shocks me beyond words what some people do. And it shocks me more how many people do the same.

Religion is a powerful thing, I'd argue the most powerful things on this earth. And it's frightening when you think what could happen if particular religions cross paths.

Saturday 17 March 2007

Being too Religious.

How far is too far?

Well, in my opinion, if a religion controls you and takes away your freedom ie. Making you choose between the faith and your friends/family then this is too religious.

I am not religious by any stretch of the imagination. I find myself getting carried away sometimes when I actually start talking about religion and I guess there's a lot of things I say which those who are religious would take offense to. But at the end of the day, the way I see it is if a group of people can stand in the middle of town, shouting, singing and shoving leaflets in people's face, spreading the "word of God" and making us listen to it (those who are deaf are so lucky at this point) then why shouldn't I voice my view?

What I have found over the years, whenever people start talking about religion, those who believe can say what they like, but as soon as we say something they don't agree with, they snap your head off...

I went to a Catholic School, although like I have said, I have no religion. In one lesson I was asked to give my opinion, I told the teacher she wouldn't want to hear it, but she made me say it anyway and as soon as I did, I got kicked out of the lesson for not being "right".

I don't have anything against religion or those who belong to one. I only have a problem when they start being hypocritical (by which I mean, they want you to listen to their opinion, but don't want to hear yours) or try to force their beliefs upon you.

Is wearing Religious clothing/jewelery too religious?

I don't believe it is, everyone is free to wear what they like. Be it a tiny piece of jewelery or a full on outfit. If it is what you want to it.

Outfit or Jewelery?

Wear what you want.

Friday 16 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

Jesse James

Jesse James, the Robin Hood of the west. Jesse believed he was doing no harm, taking the money from the banks and giving it to the poor, revenge for the Civil War.
Jesse James is probably best known for the Massacre of 150 unarmed people in Kansas, 1863 as part of the guerrilla group during the Civil War. As a bandit after the Civil War, by 1868 Jesse had joined a gang which robbed banks. Jesse did not really become famous until the robbery of Daviess County Savings Association in Missouri, 1869.

Jesse came to believe he could only trust two men, Bob and Charley Ford and to asked then to move in with him. On one rare occasion when Jesse was not wearing his gun, Bob and Charley drew their guns to shoot him as they had been working undercover to bring him down. Bob was the fasted and shot Jesse in the back of the head. The idea that these men where working for the chief executive of Missouri, Thomas T. Crittenden, shocked the public and made Jesse James a legend.

Jesse James, 1939. Directed by Henry King.
Alpha Dog, 2006. Directed by Nick Cassavetes.
The True Story pf Jesse James, 1957. Directed by Nicholas Ray.

Stiles, T, J. Jesse James: The Last Rebel of The Civil War. Vintage paperbacks, 2004.
Dalton, Brad. The True Story of Jesse James., 2001.

Thursday 15 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

Bonnie and Clyde.

Bonnie and Clyde were notorious robbers and criminals. The question of whether or not Bonnie ever fired a gun is one which is or interested discussion even today. Phillip Steele’s The Family Story of Bonnie and Clyde, has Clyde’s sister claiming, "Bonnie never fired a shot. She just followed my brother no matter where he went.". Personally I feel that a lot of their fame has to do with a female being present in such affairs. It was shocking then and to some extent it is still shocking today. Not only the involvement of a woman made them popular, but also the relationship between Bonnie and Clyde was one which was looked upon as very special, the way they stayed with each other no matter what, right to the end.

In 1967 Serge Gainsbourg recorded his song "Bonnie and Clyde" and more recently, in 1999 Slim Shady released a song called “‘97 Bonnie & Clyde”. A film entitled "Bonnie and Clyde" directed by Arthur Penn was released in 1967 which romanticises their relationship ( ).

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

"Pretty Boy" Floyd

This is a name I have heard many times before in my life, but only now have I realised who this man is. Looking at this man today, I personally do not see him as a hero but I do see how at the time, people saw him in a different light. Floyd was a bank robber and an alleged killer. Five years after his death, Woody Guthrie wrote a ballad romancing Floyd’s criminal life, the lyrics of which can be found in the Bandit’s and Outlaws handout, exhibit # 1.

“It is estimated that up to 40,000 people attended Pretty Boy Floyd's funeral. The largest funeral in Oklahoma's history until the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, when 168 people lost their lives.” - Exhibit # 2, Bandit’s and Outlaws handout.

Floyd has been mentioned in many work:
  • Numerous artists have covered the song by Woody Guthrie

Often, Floyd has been shown to be a violent criminal yet also been shown to be a very caring and loving man who never really wanted to kill anyone but wanted to look after his family. The way he has been shown in two lights, is in my opinion what made him famous, the debate on whether or not he was a Hero or Villain.

Tuesday 13 March 2007


Why do people become unfaithful?

I guess there are loads of answers to this question, a few would be:

  • Boredom in a relationship - wanting a buzz from something new.
  • Loss of "Freedom" - I guess you could say some people suddenly have that tiny voice shouting at them "Oh my God! Oh my God! You will never kiss another person ever again! Go now! Go now!!!" or something equally as odd. I'd say this would occur with younger couples who feel they haven't "lived enough" yet to be "settled".
  • Lack of Self-control - I guess some people can't keep their hands to themselves...
For me, all of the above reasons (and I realise there are so many more) are quite pitiful. I mean, if you are unhappy in any way in a relationship open your damn mouth and say something. I mean, as if cheating on your partner is going to solve anything. If you loved your partner then you could be kind enough to let them go instead of stamping all over their emotions and ripping their heart right out of them when they catch you out.
And I do hope that people who cheat get caught. It may be unpleasant but at least there would be no more lies.
I'm lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who I know would never cheat and yes I can hear the laughing even through your computer screen, wondering "How do you know?". Well somethings in life are not for public display and this is one of them (sorry).
But anyway, I haven't ever been cheated on (to my knowledge) but I can imagine the hurt it can cause, and I wonder:

Do people who cheat even think about the hurt they can cause?

I actually hope that they don't think...else what type of person could go ahead and do it anyway?

Web Links:

Monday 12 March 2007

Infidelity : My Response to a Blog

The Blogger:

My Reply:

"I agree with you. The whole idea of infidelity turns my stomach and really makes me think, what type of person could do that to someone? I haven't in my knowledge ever been cheated on but the thought of it happening hurts enough. I couldn't even start to imagine the type of mess cheating on someone can cause."

Saturday 3 March 2007


Where does the line lay between Admiration and Stalking?
I personally have never been a victim of Stalking (Thank God) but I think I can imagine how scary it would be. When I saw this question, I did not really have an answer, I barely had a response at all. However, while browsing the Internet for information on Stalking, I can across this site, which helpe me to understand just how serious it can be.
I think psychological pain is far worse than physical pain. I feel this because, no one can ever eally understand what you feel, no matter how much you try to explain, and for someone who feels they are being Stalked, it must be so scary and frustrating when no one believes you.
Alot of people think that it is men who stalk women and forget that alot of women are stalkers too.
Sure, it is nice to feel you have an admirer, but I'm sure Stalking would wipe that feeling away, leaving you pretty shook up.
I think the line between Admiration and Stalking is pretty thin. I personaly would class many phone calls at all hours as a level of Stalking, even if they do not follow you around (that you know of). I would say that it is the individual's involved who can say if it is Stalking or not. As an on looker, things are not always as they seem.
I also came across this site, which aims to help people understand why people stalk and also offers support and advice on how to spot a stalker. his site explains the different types of stalkers and what types of impact they have on their victims.
After reading all of this information, I don't know where the line lays...but I wouldn't want to get anywhere near it.

Thursday 1 March 2007


Is shoplifting any different to other types of theft?

Why do people shoplift when they can afford the items?

I personally do not consider Shoplifting to be any different to other types of theft, at the end of the day it is wrong.

I do not know why people do shoplift; I have never done it myself. My conscious is too high, I would probably have to go back and own up, that is if I even manage to get out the shop without drawing attention to what I have done.

Those who shoplift tend to do it in shops which are easily affordable, so why do they even bother? And anther thing I have noticed, it tends to be those who brag about how expensive their designer clothes cost, who then go and Shoplift....Ran out of money buying your Burberry Wardrobe?

However, on another note, there are women who have shoplifted and then used PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) as an excuse in court and have got away with it. Statistics “show that up to 50% of petty criminal acts by women coincide with their pre-menstrual phase - things like shop-lifting, assault, baby-battering as well as road accidents.” ( For these people (who are genuine) then I have sympathy for them. That does not mean I agree with it and think it is a reason all women should use when they want something for nothing, but I do think these people need help.

I have never, and will never shoplift. If I can afford something and want it, then I will buy it. If I want something and can’t afford it, I will save my money until a time when I can.

Tuesday 27 February 2007


Is it prostitution to take money off someone expecting sex but then not supply it? And if so, what would be a good charge?

I wouldn't say it is, no. But then again, what did you have to do to make them expect the sex? I find it hard to really answer this question with any real evidence to support my ideas. I think to answer this question you need a scenario.

Lets see...ok take the obvious I guess. Classic prostitution set up, you know, like you see in those cheesy films, car pulls up to some 6ft woman with a back combed mop of hair, classicly held back by a scraggy animal print hair band. The usual getup, a belt, clverly posing as a skirt and a skimpy top, heels (as if she needs them). Overall, she could easily pass for a dude. But anyway, a car pulls up, she gives them a witty line, takes the money straight up ofcourse, pure business lady. And then just as the sad dude thinks his very odd dreams have come true, she knees him in the groin n legs it.

Yes, that's prositution, but hey, more money for shoes?

And a price? well for someone looking like the above, I wouldn't say she could ask for much.

Friday 23 February 2007

Response to another blog: Smoking.

The Blogger:

Clifft, Gordon

My Response:

(I hope I have clicked the right button,here goes..) Personally, I couldn't care less about the Government or any of thier stupid ideas, so I'm not responding to this as a "Lefty Liberal". I don't strictly agree or disagree with smoking...though the one thing I do disagree with is a few reasons why people smoke like, "it's cool" = /

Saturday 17 February 2007

Internet and Smoking

Due to the signifficant rise of interest in the debate on smoking, there are absolutley tonns of different websites with all sorts of information. Here are just a few...

Pro Smoking:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is one of the most well known and in my opinion well established Pro Smoking websites out there. They express the views of smokers and non smokers on the current issues, for example passive smoking and it's effects. It covers Healthcare, Public Opinions, Research and Reports and even offers Advice.

Anti Smoking:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is a clear Anti Smoking website. To me, they come across as one of the most influential websites in an Anti Smoking campaign; giving lists of external links to articals, news documents, campaigns etc. They even offer help to smokers who want to quit. in my opinion I put this side by side with FOREST in terms of how influential it is. This campaign throws facts in all directions and jumps right into the heart of the debate on why smoking is "so bad". These too, offer support in stopping smoking as well as an extensive list of catalogues to buy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is th current "It Girl" of Anti Smoking campaigns. It is everywhere! Honestly, the other day in a 5 minute commercial break on the T.V, there were 2 of their advertisements on...yes 2 and it makes me cringe everytime!


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting covers a whole range of news articals, court hearings, people's views, government views etc. Personally, I found the website a little bit hard to navigate compared to FOREST but non the less, it holds a vast amount of information.

Thursday 15 February 2007


I personally am a non smoker. That is by my definition, I do not participate in the act of smoking first-hand. I do however smoke second-hand, as I live with my parents who are both heavy smokers (heavy in my opinion, being about 30 cigarettes each per day).

I don't really know the reasons behind why they choose to smoke, but my dad has said he had his first cigarette when he was just 5 years old and in those days, smoking was not looked down on in such a negative way.

My parents stopped smoking about 5 years ago and where non smokers for nearly 2 years. The reason behind them starting back was primarily stress. Looking around at smokers, I have seen alot of people who smoke when they are stressed out, and those who smoke because they think they look so my opinion, NO YOU DON'T...YOU LOOK STUPID!

For some reason when surrounded by a thick fog of smoke, I find myself holding my breath! I'm not sure why...I guess I just don't want it in me...not if I can help it.

It's not just smoking tabacco which I am agianst. I'm also not too keen on other drugs. Fair enough it's a personal choice for those who go in that direction, but for me, I don't like it one bit. I have never smoked tabacco or anything else, so my dislike does not come from an experience, I think it's the way I was brought up..."Drugs are bad" "Never smoke, it's not good for you" etc.

That is not to say that I dislike those who choose to smoke, be it tabacco or other. But seeing my dad with serious lung problems from smoking, I don't want to be that way and I'd hate to see my friends go that way.

But anyway...that's my thoughts.

Wednesday 14 February 2007

A "Bad" Place to Go...

Well, being the angel that I am, it's a bit hard to thing of "bad" places. However, I'm surrounded by alot of people who aren't as angelic as myself, who have kindly given me a few ideas. So I propose, a "bad" place to go would be The Rocky Horror show, or if we've missed it this year, then a very loud gig would be cool...I mean, Bad very bad...!

= D