Thursday 19 April 2007

Response to Another Blog.

The Blogger: Laura Guest

"They should all be killed, Why some people get nearly the same sentence for fraud and crimes like that is beyond me."

My Response:

I disagree with this. Don't get me wrong, Paedophiles are vile and disgust me beyond comprehension, but I don't agree with all people who are charged with such being killed.
My reason behind this is that, like all crimes, innocent people are found guilty. I won't go into any details, as it does not concern anyone but those involved, but I have known a few cases where men have been found guilty of Paedophilia in court, but were actually innocent (as the ones accusing them later admitted).
Once their name is on that register, you can't get it back off, and once the papers have splashed their names about and destroyed any life they may have had, you can't get that back either.
I would be devastated if the death sentence was given for such or any crime in fact, as I believe the way to justice is NOT through giving as good as they dished out.

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