Saturday 17 February 2007

Internet and Smoking

Due to the signifficant rise of interest in the debate on smoking, there are absolutley tonns of different websites with all sorts of information. Here are just a few...

Pro Smoking:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is one of the most well known and in my opinion well established Pro Smoking websites out there. They express the views of smokers and non smokers on the current issues, for example passive smoking and it's effects. It covers Healthcare, Public Opinions, Research and Reports and even offers Advice.

Anti Smoking:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is a clear Anti Smoking website. To me, they come across as one of the most influential websites in an Anti Smoking campaign; giving lists of external links to articals, news documents, campaigns etc. They even offer help to smokers who want to quit. in my opinion I put this side by side with FOREST in terms of how influential it is. This campaign throws facts in all directions and jumps right into the heart of the debate on why smoking is "so bad". These too, offer support in stopping smoking as well as an extensive list of catalogues to buy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting is th current "It Girl" of Anti Smoking campaigns. It is everywhere! Honestly, the other day in a 5 minute commercial break on the T.V, there were 2 of their advertisements on...yes 2 and it makes me cringe everytime!


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting covers a whole range of news articals, court hearings, people's views, government views etc. Personally, I found the website a little bit hard to navigate compared to FOREST but non the less, it holds a vast amount of information.

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