Saturday 3 March 2007


Where does the line lay between Admiration and Stalking?
I personally have never been a victim of Stalking (Thank God) but I think I can imagine how scary it would be. When I saw this question, I did not really have an answer, I barely had a response at all. However, while browsing the Internet for information on Stalking, I can across this site, which helpe me to understand just how serious it can be.
I think psychological pain is far worse than physical pain. I feel this because, no one can ever eally understand what you feel, no matter how much you try to explain, and for someone who feels they are being Stalked, it must be so scary and frustrating when no one believes you.
Alot of people think that it is men who stalk women and forget that alot of women are stalkers too.
Sure, it is nice to feel you have an admirer, but I'm sure Stalking would wipe that feeling away, leaving you pretty shook up.
I think the line between Admiration and Stalking is pretty thin. I personaly would class many phone calls at all hours as a level of Stalking, even if they do not follow you around (that you know of). I would say that it is the individual's involved who can say if it is Stalking or not. As an on looker, things are not always as they seem.
I also came across this site, which aims to help people understand why people stalk and also offers support and advice on how to spot a stalker. his site explains the different types of stalkers and what types of impact they have on their victims.
After reading all of this information, I don't know where the line lays...but I wouldn't want to get anywhere near it.

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