Tuesday 27 February 2007


Is it prostitution to take money off someone expecting sex but then not supply it? And if so, what would be a good charge?

I wouldn't say it is, no. But then again, what did you have to do to make them expect the sex? I find it hard to really answer this question with any real evidence to support my ideas. I think to answer this question you need a scenario.

Lets see...ok take the obvious I guess. Classic prostitution set up, you know, like you see in those cheesy films, car pulls up to some 6ft woman with a back combed mop of hair, classicly held back by a scraggy animal print hair band. The usual getup, a belt, clverly posing as a skirt and a skimpy top, heels (as if she needs them). Overall, she could easily pass for a dude. But anyway, a car pulls up, she gives them a witty line, takes the money straight up ofcourse, pure business lady. And then just as the sad dude thinks his very odd dreams have come true, she knees him in the groin n legs it.

Yes, that's prositution, but hey, more money for shoes?

And a price? well for someone looking like the above, I wouldn't say she could ask for much.

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