Tuesday 13 March 2007


Why do people become unfaithful?

I guess there are loads of answers to this question, a few would be:

  • Boredom in a relationship - wanting a buzz from something new.
  • Loss of "Freedom" - I guess you could say some people suddenly have that tiny voice shouting at them "Oh my God! Oh my God! You will never kiss another person ever again! Go now! Go now!!!" or something equally as odd. I'd say this would occur with younger couples who feel they haven't "lived enough" yet to be "settled".
  • Lack of Self-control - I guess some people can't keep their hands to themselves...
For me, all of the above reasons (and I realise there are so many more) are quite pitiful. I mean, if you are unhappy in any way in a relationship open your damn mouth and say something. I mean, as if cheating on your partner is going to solve anything. If you loved your partner then you could be kind enough to let them go instead of stamping all over their emotions and ripping their heart right out of them when they catch you out.
And I do hope that people who cheat get caught. It may be unpleasant but at least there would be no more lies.
I'm lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who I know would never cheat and yes I can hear the laughing even through your computer screen, wondering "How do you know?". Well somethings in life are not for public display and this is one of them (sorry).
But anyway, I haven't ever been cheated on (to my knowledge) but I can imagine the hurt it can cause, and I wonder:

Do people who cheat even think about the hurt they can cause?

I actually hope that they don't think...else what type of person could go ahead and do it anyway?

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