Thursday 22 March 2007


Pamela Anderson, “Tattoos are like stories - they're symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful.”


“From "Tattoo You" by Steve Wind (Off Duty Hawaii Magazine, October '92): "Tattoos were associated with the lower class and criminal elements in Britain and America until the early 1900s when, drawn by a sense of freedom, decadence and sexual liberation, upper classes began wearing them as well."
The word "tattoo" apparently comes from the Tahitian word "tatau," which was onomatopoetic for the sound their tattooing instrument made.”


Angelina Jolie (About her first tattoo of the Japanese Kanji for Death), “The tattoo is a strong reminder to live fully in the moment and never have regrets. I didn't get the tattoo for the dark reason everyone thinks.”

There are many reasons why people have tattoos, rebellion, a way of expression, liberation and sometimes even fashion/trend. Of course there are many more reasons, but these seem to be most common.

Jennifer Aniston, “Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious.”

Is It “Bad”?

I personally do not think Tattooing is “bad”. If people choose to tattoo themselves then so be it, I personally have a tattoo myself, as do many people in my family. I don’t see anything wrong with it. A good friend of the family is a professional tattooist, and admits, he tattoos various areas of his own body, so he can experience what it feel like, as he gets a lot of questions at work such as, “where does it hurt most?” and this he believes is the elbow and the stomach…so far.

Anna Nicole Smith (R.I.P), “I got my first tattoo, a Playboy Bunny, because I was young, dumb and drunk…”

Those who have tattoos because it’s “cool” or because their “friends did” are usually those who end up regretting their tattoo later on and although tattoos can be removed, they do tend to leave scars.

There are many people who become almost addicted to tattoos, they have one, and then another and then another and before they know it, they are covered. I have nothing against people who have full body tattoos, as a lot of the time they are quite beautiful, though sometimes people cross a line and their tattoos become a blur of ink and not so attractive.

This, I believe is beautiful...

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