Monday 2 April 2007


Just a note before I start:

When looking through other blogs, I have noticed a few people responding to my posts and seem to be getting pretty heated up about certain points which in my posts I have stated, I know will cause some discussion, but I have also said I do not mean to offend anyone.

The last thing I want to do is offend people in anyway. Some people might also want to read a bit closer as it seems they have missed some of my main points when responding and unfortunately making me seem rude and closed minded, which I most definitely am not.

Moving on...


Now...I actually find it hard whether to say swearing is either bad or not. This is because I think it depends on the situation.

At the minute, I'm sitting in my room typing this, and I can hear the children at the back of my house. Now these kids are about...6-8 years old and all I hear is swearing. Not just mild swearing, I mean full on swearing, at the top of their lungs. Now this I think is bad.

I swear, most people do. But I don't swear "for the hell of it". In fact, I very rarely swear and tend to only slip up when I kick the door frame as I'm trying not to trip over my dog, or when someone really winds me up and starts swearing at me. Retaliation, I know...I shouldn't...sorry.

But I think, yes...the majority of the time, swearing is bad. No one likes to be sworn at, no one likes to hear it when walking through town and I should think a lot of parents wouldn't want their children to hear people swearing either, as children pick these things up easily (excluding the kids over the back...their parents don't even flinch).


"In America, 72 percent of men and 58 percent of women swear in public. The same is true for 74 percent of 18 to 34 year olds and 48 percent of people who are over age 55"


I personally do not get offended easily by swearing, though of course if someone starts swearing at me I would react in some way, depending on the situation.

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