Wednesday 4 April 2007


As I was strolling down Broad Street to Spikes Tattoo Studio, I passed a number of "Adult Shops" and as a middle aged man with his shades on came creeping out of the door of one (as if paranoid of being stalked) I giggled to myself and thought, "Is Porn Bad?".

So is it?

Well, let me see...I myself am not interested in the slightest, I think it's pretty tacky...but it's amazing how many people watch/read (if that's possible) porn.

Just like Masturbation, I don't think it's the type of conversation you'd have at the dinner table, but it is something that people talk about...quite openly actually. Having a lot of male friends, there tends to be a lot of references to porn films and the "stars" and of course not being "in the know" I innocently ask, "so what's/who's that?" and they giggle and fill me in.

The majority of people say that Porn is not bad at all...but if that's the case, how come all these shops have blacked out windows? Why are you ashamed if there's nothing wrong with it? (giggle)

Men seem to be more relaxed talking about Porn and find it acceptable in many age categories, however, oder women seem ..whats the word....squeamish? But as the age of the woman lowers slightly to around 18-25 women are almost (if not equally) as comfortable talking about it, as men are.

So in my opinion, Porn isn't "bad", the shop owners are just a little shy.

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