Thursday 15 February 2007


I personally am a non smoker. That is by my definition, I do not participate in the act of smoking first-hand. I do however smoke second-hand, as I live with my parents who are both heavy smokers (heavy in my opinion, being about 30 cigarettes each per day).

I don't really know the reasons behind why they choose to smoke, but my dad has said he had his first cigarette when he was just 5 years old and in those days, smoking was not looked down on in such a negative way.

My parents stopped smoking about 5 years ago and where non smokers for nearly 2 years. The reason behind them starting back was primarily stress. Looking around at smokers, I have seen alot of people who smoke when they are stressed out, and those who smoke because they think they look so my opinion, NO YOU DON'T...YOU LOOK STUPID!

For some reason when surrounded by a thick fog of smoke, I find myself holding my breath! I'm not sure why...I guess I just don't want it in me...not if I can help it.

It's not just smoking tabacco which I am agianst. I'm also not too keen on other drugs. Fair enough it's a personal choice for those who go in that direction, but for me, I don't like it one bit. I have never smoked tabacco or anything else, so my dislike does not come from an experience, I think it's the way I was brought up..."Drugs are bad" "Never smoke, it's not good for you" etc.

That is not to say that I dislike those who choose to smoke, be it tabacco or other. But seeing my dad with serious lung problems from smoking, I don't want to be that way and I'd hate to see my friends go that way.

But anyway...that's my thoughts.

1 comment:

Adam said...

"For some reason when surrounded by a thick fog of smoke, I find myself holding my breath! I'm not sure why...I guess I just don't want it in me...not if I can help it".

I think you make a very good point with the remarks above, while smokers are free to smoke they should show some consideration and respect for people who don’t smoke especially for those with health problems. They should maybe try standing further away to cause minimum annoyance, irritation or trouble.